
Devotions Are Vital 11

Continued writing of Dr. L. Nelson Bell, Editor and Former Medical Missionary.

What about the daily reading of the Bible? Like the charts of the pilot, the maps of the traveler, so is the Bible to the Christian. In this Spirit-given Book we learn of the nature of God, his perspective on time and eternity, and his will for us personally.

As combat pilots are briefed in the ready room, so Christians are briefed by God through their daily reading of the Bible. It is true that all scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work II Timothy 3:16, 17.

This briefing for immediate tasks and problems is the most important time of the Christian’s day. With it we are fortified for all contingencies; without it we walk as crippled men, stumbling over pebbles and boulders.

Who of us does not need wisdom? The deepest wisdom of the ages is found through communion with the God of time and eternity. Who does not need guidance? We have God’s promises to guide us if we acknowledge him above everything else. In the frustrations of our times, who does not need assurance? And in the Scriptures we find assurance that rises above any contingency.

What about the practical problems involved in daily devotions? The answers will vary with each person, but the general principles would seem to be the same:

One. Decide on a regular time and let nothing interfere with it. If you ever get too busy to spend this time in prayer and Bible study, then you are indeed too busy! To permit laziness or trivialities or the routine pressures of daily living to interfere is like performing plastic surgery on a harelip while the patient is dying of cancer. I find early in the morning the ideal time for devotions. Others may prefer late at night or some other time. Each person must decide on a suitable time in the light of his own circumstances.

Two. Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted, some part of the house not frequented by others during that particular time.

Three. Get a comfortable chair and use it. There is no reason to inflict punishment on the body, and every reason to be at ease.

Four. Have good light so you can see without straining your eyes.

Five. Have a notebook and pencil at hand. Spirit-directed thoughts and impressions, if written down, can be the basis for helpful conversations and teaching.

Six. Get a fine-point red pencil and use it to underline passages of Scripture that speak to your heart as your read them. As time goes on, your Bible will itself become a commentary, and those underlined verses will catch your eye and refresh your memory.

Seven. With that red pencil use a six-inch plastic ruler to underline verses with straight lines.

Eight. Use a good concordance. As you become familiar with more and more passages of which you remember only a word or two, you can find them again with a concordance. If you are studying by subjects or topics, get a topical Bible.

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